A promise for the future
From a geological point of view our soil is composed of rocky clay and silt over chalky marl subsoil, which is regionally called “Opok”. We are grounded in the belief that our soil is history and future at the same time. We ask ourselves: “How can we adapt to and work with nature?” as opposed to “How can we control nature.” Therefore, we view the vineyard as a living organism teaming up with us. All of our work efforts are aimed at retaining the vitality of the soil, the plants and the animals.
The wine in the bottle is considered the end product. We gave everything we had, we took good care of it at every stage on its journey. But now it is on its own. By no means does that mean it’s ready, or done, or set in stone. Just like a person, the wine will change in the bottle. It will go through phases, it will have its ups and downs, but through it all, it will shine with vitality and a strong backbone of complexity.